Three Days Later!


3 Days Later | Improv | Joya Winwood

3 Days Later

3 Days Later is an all-teen Improv troupe based in Santa Cruz, California. The troop is taught and lead by well-known
Joya Winwood (426-2935). 3 Days Later is composed of a mix of home-schooled (some since kindergarden) and public schooled kids, and has existed in its current form since 2003.


Improv is the art of spontaneous theater. Based on nothing more than their imaginations and occasionally some suggestions from the audience, one or more onstage actors create entirely new scenes or stories, never rehearsed and never to be seen again. There is no script of any kind.
A good article promoting Improv can be found here. (.pdf)

Joya Winwood

Joya WinwoodJoya Winwood is a creativity activist. She thinks that art (performing/ visual) is a white courtesy telephone from soul to soul. She encourages children grab the phone, so to speak. It is her thought that families are the feeder schools for societies. It is her pleasure to present the youth of our community in this fun and brilliant way. “Game by game our culture is strengthened.” Joya

She has taught 100’s of improv classes in the last 9 years, homeschool, public school and after-school programs. Spectra has been a light in her career for 6 years.

3 Days Later [and Dracula's Molars] (Teen Improv Ensemble[s]) and Water the Weeds (8-12 years) are after-school/homeschool teams that she started with the idea of “on-going” classes and shows so we can play together for a while.

For 16 years she has led
Mothersong, a world-music song circle for families with 0-3 year olds and has produced 2 CD’s of the song circle material with real moms and dads singing on them. “Tender Souls” and “Little Blessings” are the titles.

There are many fabulous adult improv teams in SC. who perform on Wed. nights at The Attic. On Saturdays from 10-noon at @ Actors’ Theatre, the Fun Institute has adult improv classes, with Clifford Henderson and Dixie Cox. Clifford was [Joya's] 1st teacher 9 years ago. 427-4008
Bio by Joya Winwood, used with permission.

Site created by Sam Shemitz. Hosted by Tane Tachyon.